Wednesday, 11 January 2012

The ship has sailed

For many months now we have been preparing ourselves in one way and another for an addition to our family.  An indigenous lad, family roots based in Elliot, NT.  Though many issues therein, we had been opening our hearts to his cause; talking, praying, hypothesising, discussing, assessing.  We had been making space shall we say, in many ways, in our hearts, minds and home.  Now, seemingly, to no avail.

In honest appraisal, having him in our house as a member of our family would have been more like having a pet initially.  It would have been like trying to tame a wild animal, nothing less.  A ten year old aboriginal boy with FAS, released from the care he had been in since birth, to be back with his mother in Alice Springs.  Though presently in Elliot with extended family community.  Local sources indicated that he had turned the town upside down within weeks.  I imagine him to have been running on instinct, lots of fight or flight and survival skills in action.

Trying to kerb habits, developed (out of necessity) over the past two months, into some sort of structure and boundary based system would be a big ask.  I hope he is ok.  I hope he is able to learn about his culture and the good things that his history and his people can offer him.

I was there but the time is passed for now.

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